Implicit Bias Training

Implicit bias is the brain's automatic association of negative stereotypes with certain groups of people, often without conscious awareness. These unconscious stereotypes can lead to unfair treatment of those who are different from us, despite our conscious rejection of discrimination. In the real estate market, bias not only harms home seekers, but also limits brokers and agents from expanding and diversifying their customer base. To counter biases, real estate professionals can undergo implicit bias training and utilize practical tools to ensure equal treatment of all clients and improve cross-group interactions.

Bias Override Video Series, Part 1: What is Implicit Bias?

What is implicit bias? Learn how our unconscious brains use assumptions as shortcuts that can affect our thinking and behavior.

Learn how our unconscious brains use assumption as shortcuts that can affect our thinking and behavior.

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Bias Override Video Series, Part 2: Unintended Violations: Implicit Bias and Fair Housing

Unintended Violations: Learn how implicit bias can result in fair housing and code of ethics violations that may harm others and undermine the experience of purchasing a home.

Learn how implicit bias can result in fair housing and code of ethics violations that may undermine the experience of purchasing a home.

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Bias Override Video Series, Part 3: Strategies to Interrupt Implicit Bias

Strategies to Interrupt Implicit Bias: Learn concrete and easy steps to interrupt implicit biases and stereotypical thinking that get in the way of fairness and equal professional service.

Learn concrete and east steps to interrupt implicit biases and stereotypical thinking that get in the way of fairness and equal professional service.

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